God of the Impossible

Are you looking back at the last few months like I am, wondering where the time went? Side note, if you are like my ever-logical, analytical husband, yes, I do know that the passage of time does not change. Yet, through our experiences, we perceive time as slowing down or speeding up. As has been pointed out, the days are long and the years short.

Over the last few months, we have experienced many significant events. It has been hard to pick on just one strand to unravel and tell. But then I realized the overarching theme that ties it all together is how perfect God is and how we can never out-give God. He has been opening the windows of heaven and raining down His blessings. So that is where this post is going to focus.

We can start with Annika, as I had mentioned her big news in the previous post. Annika met and got to know members of the family she has not had many opportunities with, if any, in the past. She saw parts of the country she never dreamed she would. When she came home, she went on her first-ever youth retreat.

Annika all set for her roadtrip

Daniel had the much-awaited ILR procedure, and the device now monitors his heart around the clock. We also received the official printout from the geneticist. No official diagnosis, though they confirmed that it is very likely that the test results we received a few months back contain our answer; it is just not well enough understood to diagnose. On the plus side, we are now doing everything that such a diagnosis would have recommended.

All prepped for procedure

Jarrod finished his second block of classes and has started his third block. He was also able to take Elijah to a Mariners game, and Elijah was able to see his Physical Therapist from when he was an infant.

Mariners Game!
Elijah with his former PT

Jarrod and I also celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary. It has been one crazy roller coaster of an adventure, but I am so glad he is the one strapped in the seat beside me.


I had the beautiful opportunity to go on the women’s retreat with Hope Church. Such a beautiful area and wonderful time together as we focused on growing our prayer life. Upon arrival at the retreat center, I was shocked to find a gift certificate waiting for me to use at the espresso stand and gift shop from one of my sweet Bible Study sisters. Blessed and amazed.

Falls Creek Retreat Center

The kids and I are in full swing back into homeschooling, and things are going well. That said, this last week has been highly unusual. God threw me for a fascinating loop, and I still feel all I can do is stand in awe over His great love. God opened some pretty big doors for me to spend time together with friends I am incredibly close to, whom I thought I never would get to meet this side of heaven. To give a little background, let me explain how I “met” one of these friends.

Moments Like This 2021

When Moments Like This by Anna Gomez and Kristoffer Polaha was released (March 9, 2021), I was locked out of my original Facebook account when somebody hacked it, which compromised my bank card. I had to cancel my bank card, on top of losing access to my photos and page. My copy of the Moments Like This was suddenly on backorder, and everything was nuts. I felt so violated and stressed. I had shared on the Polaha Chautauqua group page about being bummed my book was on backorder, and I couldn’t even purchase a digital copy without my card. Stephanie (yes, another Stephanie who also has three kids!) ended up reaching out and sending me a copy of the book. (You can read about that here https://youngfamilyanchoringin.wordpress.com/2021/03/26/outpouring-of-blessings/) That started a friendship that has grown incredibly rich. She mentioned she would attend the book signing event for the second book, Where the Sun Rises, on October 11, 2022, if anyone wanted to carpool with her. I said something along the lines of “I would love to. I just have to figure out airfare, hotel, and childcare, no sweat.” She thought I was kidding. I was serious but also doubtful it could ever actually happen. But the following day, she and Eileen, another beautiful friend I have grown incredibly close to over the last year, called me up and said, “why don’t you come? Look up cheap flights! See what is possible!” Jarrod went along with it and said we could manage airfare for one person. He also said I should stay the night and fly home the next day so I would not be tired when I returned. My in-laws said they could watch the kids. My mom even lent me the money to buy the tickets, so I did not have to wait and risk the plane filling up! It seems like a dream come true and so perfect, the friend I made through the first book I will get to meet because of a book signing for the second book! I get to spend a day with women I feel are my sisters, I get a newly signed book, and I get to meet Anna and Kris. Come on, now. That is so amazing!

Stephanie and Stephanie

I thought that would be the end of it, of God opening the doors of travel and adventure. But no, not by a long shot. We have this beautiful opportunity for me to take Annika to Reno for an early birthday celebration. The Down Syndrome Network of Northern Nevada is hosting The Lucky Few Festival. There is a special movie presentation of Where Hope Grows that includes time spent with Kristoffer Polaha and David DeSanctis, the stars of the film, followed by a Q&A session. The next day, there is a fall festival held at a farm. I thought it would be impossible to go!! But God arranged overtime for Jarrod, a friend chimed in with a free place to stay, bought the VIP passes to the movie, and my mom contributed some funds towards the trip as our birthday presents. My mom is also going to watch the boys while Jarrod works. My grandma said she could give us a ride home from the airport. We will be going for just two days, one night, but what a time it will be. I am just blown away by the goodness of God.

Reading Isaiah 45 and 46, I came to a verse that mentions God accomplishing His purpose and perfect will. “Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things which have not been done, Saying, ‘My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’;” Isaiah 46:9-10 NASB1995 It is a beautiful thing to stop and reflect on. What could that look like in my life? What does that look like in yours?

I know for me, I had just come to this place of recognizing He is the only One I was supposed to live my life pleasing. It is just His approval I need to seek. I have known that for quite some time in my head, but getting it in my heart? Yikes. Not so easy. I have been trying to be what people need me to be. God has been shaking me up a little bit. That is not to say I am not still considering others and wanting to lift others, support them, and encourage them. That is all still so very important. But God reminded me the most outstanding commands boil down to this-

“And He said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-39 NASB1995 I don’t think Jesus was messing around with the order of those commands. The greatest and foremost is loving God. He has to come first. As I have focused more on that, I feel like God has whispered in my heart, “watch what I can do!” This last week I have been overwhelmed by how God has revealed His great love. The outpouring of blessings from Him and such beautiful friends leaves me without adequate words. I did not even yet mention the other friends who are going out of their way to meet with me while in California or all of the other friends I will get to meet while there, nor did I mention the friends who contributed to replacing my fridge that died. I didn’t even mention the sweet friends coming up from California for a visit.

The Williams and Youngs

How has God shown up in your life and revealed His love to you recently? How do you think God’s perfect purpose and plans for your life will look? I pray that as you read this, you are renewed and filled with the Hope and Joy of Jesus. As always, feel free to like, comment and share.

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